

HER Voice Fund Narrative Close-Out Report 2022


Y+ Global and the HER Voice Fund team would like to thank every incredible, articulate and empowered Adolescent Girls and Young Woman who has been influencing change in structural systems, punitive laws and policies, gender and harmful norms that are related to our health and rights in our diversity. To our relentless grantees (AGYW-led/serving community-based organisations), Country Leads and HER Voice Fund Ambassadors, we are grateful for providing the safe environments and platforms to co-create and co-lead together with AGYWs as they tackle critical advocacy issues related to our health and well-being. We would also like to thank the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and ViiV Healthcare Positive Action for their ongoing support and their review and input into these amazing annual reports; and Programme Management Unit-Maximina Jokonya, Emilia Madzinga and Oliver Muindi, for generously sharing their time and expertise to support the success of this project.


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