Testing HIV positive last year was a blow to my life. It didn’t seem real
at first so I had to take several tests before I came to terms with the
facts. All in all I knew that things happen for a reason and that having
HIV would not stop me from achieving my goals. A week after
diagnosis, I started ARV treatment: it was a very chaotic time with
psychological disturbances and often gloomy. It was 2 months after
that I met a peer support group that never got tired of providing
support. From there I started volunteering and learned many things in
organizations that are always related to HIV. I started learning HIV
education and learned the information I had from friends and peers.
Since then my life began to be meaningful and useful for the lives of
many people.
Being selected to attend HIV2020 was a booster to the desire I have
to build on my capacity to deliver HIV related information to the young people especially those that are
experiencing living with HIV like me. It was also a great opportunity for me to associate with other young
people especially young men who had been living with HIV longer than me and I learnt a lot from them.
Amongst the several topics, I enjoyed: Usage of Delutogravia (DTG) and Efavirenz(EFZ), its risks and side
effects especially during pregnancy. The panelists gave specifications and details on the efficacy of DTG
and how important it is to keep monitoring the process in women of reproductive age.
In terms of data, I learnt that to service more communities, better data tabulation should be used to improve
the efficiency of service delivery in healthcare systems. This can then advance the global health agenda
and offer solutions like the Community Adolescent Treatment Supporters (CATS) model which includes:
support for stable access to treatment, Family support, Peer support, Clinic visits, Home visits and support
All in all, I am now applying the better and strengthened delivery of information to my peers and thankful for
the opportunity that was availed by UNICEF and Y+ Global for me to understand these concepts better and
learn better.
For all my friends around the world, let us rise together and fight the stigma and discrimination against
young people living with HIV.